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Thomas’ comments came shortly after the Bench author discussed her strained relationship with her family members in her bombshell CBS tell-all. And that’s the last conversation we ever had.”Īt the time, Thomas argued that he apologized to Meghan and Harry “at least 100 times or so” for the photo scandal, claiming he “never heard back” from either of them “in any way, shape or form.” “And me, laying in a hospital bed after I’ve had a procedure and getting a stent put here and a stent put here, felt that that was kind of snotty, so I hung up on him. “Harry had said to me at that point, ‘If you had listened to me, this wouldn’t have happened to you,'” Thomas alleged. The Daytime Emmy winner proceeded to flip the script on his own story, clarifying that he abruptly ended a phone call with his now-son-in-law without giving the couple well-wishes for their wedding day.

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